Democrat Party Unfavorable Rating Hits 16-Year Low, Trump Approval Higher

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The American people’s disapproval of the Democrat party just hit a 16-year high.

According to a poll from Quinnipiac, only 31% of voters have a favorable view of the Democrat party – 57% hold an unfavorable view.

The GOP has a 43% favorable rating and a 45% unfavorable rating – 12 points higher than the Democrats.

Donald Trump has a 46% approval rating and 43% disapproval. This is a positive net rating.

Breitbart reported:

Only 31 percent of voters view the Democratic Party favorably, while 57 percent hold an unfavorable view of the party, a 16-year high in the far-left Quinnipiac Poll.

In fact, that’s the worst unfavorable rating for the Democratic party since Quinnipiac started polling on this question.

That puts Democrats an incredible 26 points underwater.

On the flipside, the GOP holds a 43 percent favorable rating—12 points higher than the Democrats; and a 45 percent unfavorable rating—12 points lower than Democrats. The GOP is only two points underwater.

President Trump, however, is three points above water, with a 46 percent job approval rating compared to a 43 percent job disapproval rating.

Trump’s overall job approval rating in the RealClearPolitics (RCP) average poll of polls is 49.4 percent approve to 44.8 percent disapprove. That puts him 4.6 points above water.